Event Host Resources

Welcome to the resources page for event hosts! Check back often as resources will be added as they become available.

Below, you’ll find:

What activities will you host at your event? We’ve gathered some possibilities to get you started.

Event Activities

Event Materials

  • Invite the Urban Forest Youth Program out to your event to host a Super Sapling activity for the littles.

  • Invite Urban Forest Steward Stephanie Simmons to your event for a talk and/or walk on tree identification basics.

    • Help Attendees Learn the Life Cycle of a Butterfly! A member of the City of Austin DSD Urban Forestry Youth Program can come to your event to lead this educational activity! Use familiar cooking ingredients to create a colorful art project that details the lifecycle of a butterfly. This activity typically lasts 45-60 minutes and is appropriate for children K-5. Want to bring this activity to your event? Contact the Youth Forest Council.

  • As the Horticultural Specialist at The George Washington Carver Museum’s Sunken Garden, Harvé Franks teaches a variety of classes to the community. As a long-term garden and arts educator, Harvé can offer gardening demonstrations and lectures on health and wellness, farm to table and food sustainability, and the indigenous farming culture of Central Texas. Contact Harvé about speaking at your event or sharing her expertise through activity!

  • Katherine Tombs is a Capital Area Master Naturalist at Keep Austin Beautiful. She looks forward to sharing information and resources about KAB’s Vermicomposting program: Composting with worms! Contact Katherine Tombs for more information.

  • Ready to learn about bats? Invite Erin Cord of Bat Conservation International to join your community event. Contact Erin Cord for more information.

  • Invite Central Texas Mycology to your event and encourage your community to learn about growing their own mushrooms!

  • Vicki Blachman is an experienced and enthusiastic Texas Master Gardener and Master Naturalist. As co-chair of PollinATX and a member of Austin’s Bee City USA initiative, Vicki is eager to teach your community about insects, pollinators, and more! Contact Vicki to see about having her speak at your event.

  • Ashleigh Alvarez, MHA has been working with families with special needs children for almost a decade. She is willing to be a guide for Event Hosts in creating sensory-inclusive events. If you'd like to chat with her, drop Ashleigh an email!

  • Interested in reducing wildfire risk associated with wildland and natural areas impacting City of Austin? Cody Chappel from AFD can help cultivate a lasting culture of collective effort and awareness for both residents and City departments to be ready for the inevitability of wildfire by providing technical assistance and context for all things related to the fire environment and fire ecology in wildland ecosystems. 

Community Experts

Collaborative Opportunities