2024 Festival Schedule

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All events for the 7th Annual Roots & Wings Festival will take place from Saturday, October 19 through Sunday, November 3. The calendar will be updated with events as they are added to the Festival. Click here for a mapped search tool to find events.

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2024 Roots & Wings Festival Events

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Please note: Some events require pre-registration and some are reserved for students. Click on an event name to learn more.

Filtering by: “IMPD”

Beautify the Austin Nature & Science Center: a Roots & Wings and It's My Park Day Crossover Event!

Join us at the Austin Nature & Science Center for a special volunteer day as part of the Roots & Wings Festival and It's My Park Day! Get your hands dirty and make a real impact on our local environment through hands-on activities. Help us remove invasive species to protect native plants, collect and organize seeds to learn about plant life cycles, and plant vibrant pollinator gardens to support butterflies, bees, and other essential pollinators.

This event offers a unique educational experience and a chance to connect with the community while caring for our natural surroundings. We will have bilingual staff present to lead some groups in Spanish. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance our urban forest and make a difference! Spots are limited, so head to the ANSC website to sign up.

Únase a nosotros en el Austin Nature & Science Center para un día especial de voluntariado como parte del Festival Roots & Wings y es el Día de Mi Parque. Ensuciarse las manos y hacer un impacto real en nuestro entorno local a través de actividades prácticas. Ayúdanos a eliminar las especies invasoras para proteger las plantas nativas, recolectar y organizar semillas para aprender sobre los ciclos de vida de las plantas, y plantar jardines de polinizadores vibrantes para apoyar mariposas, abejas y otros polinizadores esenciales.

Este evento ofrece una experiencia educativa única y la oportunidad de conectarse con la comunidad mientras cuidamos nuestro entorno natural. Tendremos personal bilingüe presente para liderar algunos grupos en español.||¡No pierdas esta oportunidad de potenciar nuestro bosque urbano y marcar la diferencia! La disponibilidad es limitada, así que visite el sitio web de ANSC para registrarse.

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Country Club Creek Greenbelt Tree Festival!

Help to restore the Country Club Creek Greenbelt by planting native trees with the East Riverside/Oltorf Combined (EROC) Neighborhood Planning Area Contact Team!

We will assemble at the South Pleasant Valley Road Trailhead of the Country Club Creek Trail, and will provide the trees, tools, and supplies. This greenbelt is a wilderness area, so dress appropriately and bring a water bottle!

¡Ayúdenos a restaurar El Cinturón Verde de Country Club Creek! La Asociación de Vecinos de East Riverside/Oltorf Corridor (East Riverside-Oltorf Corridor Neighborhood Association) solicita su ayuda en plantar varios árboles nativos de Texas.

Nos encontraremos en el punto de partida de South Pleasant Valley Road Trailhead del Country Club Creek Trail adonde le proveeremos los árboles, herramientas, y suministros. Este cinturón verde es parte de una zona salvaje. Se les sugiere vestirse apropiadamente para el ambiente y traerse su agua!

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